Why the # in #TheLongHaul?

We want people to follow us on Twitter before and during the 12-13th July event.  You can search for conversations on Twitter using #TheLongHaul.  You don’t need to follow anyone to see these conversations!  Just add #TheLongHaul into your tweet and you’ll see what everyone is saying!  Start doing it now and get used to it.  It will mean you’ll know exactly where the cart is throughout the weekend and how much we are raising as we make our way to Winchester!

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About David

Dave is ex-chair of 1st Winchester (2011-19) and now a Scout Leader with Osborne Troop. As a Queen Scout himself, he is a full supporter of Scouting. He believes that Scouting provides a Physical, Social and Spiritual Adventure that broadens and deepens young people's experience of the world, such that they become stronger and more responsible citizens. Dave has two children in the Group.

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